10 Questions with Jesse Roberts

Brendan Schneider
2 min readOct 18, 2017


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In preparation for the SchneiderB VirCon5, I’m highlighting the ten school marketing experts who will be presenting on November 4, 2017. Learn More about the VirCon5.

This is 10 Questions with Jesse Roberts. Jesse Roberts is the CEO and Founder of Admissions Pro in Baltimore, MD.

1. What is your session title for the VirCon5?

A Clear Enrollment Vision: Approaching 2020 and Beyond

2. What will the attendees learn/know after watching your session?

After this session, schools will have an idea of the tools and competencies they will need to be competitive in the next decade. We will assess various ideas that are new to the marketplace, and help schools think through their strategies.

3. What is your favorite social media channel and why?

I am becoming a convert to Twitter. There is something about being able to share more in real time and to have those conversations with people, directly, that just makes the exchange of information and power so strong.

4. What is one marketing goal that you hope to accomplish during the 17–18 school year?

For 17–18, I want to connect to schools in a “personal” way. Our schools talk about “family atmosphere,” and I think that’s important, but it’s not personal. Every family has a story, and I want to help schools understand that (in a 360 degree way) as they approach the market.

5. What is your favorite marketing piece of advice for schools?

Be true to yourself. Too often, schools “react” to competition or what they think is a trend instead of understanding how a specific tactic fits in the bigger strategic picture.

6. What is your favorite marketing book?

I am a huge fan of Guy Kawasaki and would recommend ALL of his books, but my favorite of his is How to Drive Your Competition Crazy: Creating Disruption for Fun and Profit

. Lots of great advice for doing things the right way, which keeps your competition on their toes.

7. What is something that people might be surprised to know about you?

At one point in my life, I was a professional soccer player.

8. Kindle or Actual Book?

I love actual books…however, traveling makes taking multiple books with me difficult. My kindle app always has three books on it, just in case.

9. iPhone or Android?

iPhone. It just works, and it allows me to connect to the technology I need, wherever I am.

10. What is one App that you can’t live without?

Depending on the time of year, of course…MLB At Bat to help my son and I track the Orioles is great in the summer…but I have to say Tides, which allows me to track the tides and surf conditions at the ocean…



Brendan Schneider

Brendan is the Founder of SchneiderB Media, a digital marketing agency for schools, and the MarCom Society, a community for MarCom professionals at schools.